Hypothyroidism - the solution for failed L-thyroxine therapy
How I got my hypothyroidism under control after 5 years of agony and even lost 6kg - completely naturally and in just 3 months

A constant tiredness that feels like you are Sleeping Beauty herself.
Cold hands and feet, constant digestive problems and difficulty concentrating.
Does this sound familiar?
As if these classic symptoms of hypothyroidism weren't bad enough, they are often compounded by an overwhelmed GP who only knows one treatment: thyroid medication, usually in the form of Euthyrox or L-thyroxine.
I'm Jessy and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 5 years ago.
I felt tired and listless all the time, had intestinal problems and put on weight for no apparent reason.
What I didn't know at the time:
A thyroid disorder sounds harmless, but it leads to several problems in the body.
The thyroid gland is something like the control center in the body when it comes to energy production and hormone control.
Thyroid problems often lead to the liver also shutting down and digestion no longer working optimally.
The problems pile up and it's difficult not to get into a downward spiral.
Looking back and equipped with the knowledge I have today, all my symptoms made sense.
In the last year, I have been able to manage almost all of my symptoms and turn the downward spiral into an upward spiral.
My thyroid values are back in the good range, even though I was able to reduce my thyroxine dose from 125 micrograms to just 25 micrograms.
The secret of my success: a highly effective liver complex that was specially developed for people with an underactive thyroid:

You can tell by the name: the converter was specially developed for the treatment of a conversion disorder in hypothyroidism.
Before I started taking the converter, L-thyroxine was virtually ineffective for me.
I was constantly tired, had difficulty concentrating and my metabolism was so dormant that it was impossible for me to lose weight sustainably.
Since I have been taking the converter, all my symptoms have improved.
I am finally more resilient again, have enough energy to even do sports again and I am also mentally much more efficient.
And I've even lost 6 kg in weight, although a lot of that was probably water that had previously been stored everywhere in my body:

If your treatment with L-thyroxine is also not working for you and your GP is at his wit's end, I would ask you to stay tuned.
I will explain to you exactly why the converter works so well and what the real cause is that thyroid medication is not working for you.
Let's first look at what is at the root of the problem with treatment with drugs such as Euthyrox or L-thyroxine.
This is why thyroid medication often does not work
Dass eine Behandlung mit Medikamenten wie L-Thyroxin oder Euthyrox nur in den wenigsten Fällen erfolgreich anschlägt, ist längst kein Geheimnis mehr.
Es wird nur nicht gerne darüber gesprochen.
Bereits im Jahr 2017 hat die österreichische Tageszeitung „Der Standard“ über eine Studie berichtet (1), die zum Ergebnis kam, dass L-Thyroxin kaum wirkt:

The study involved the well-known drug L-thyroxine.
However, numerous other studies have also come to similar conclusions (2) (3) (4) (5).
Why the administration of L-thyroxine alone often does not work is easily explained.
L-thyroxine is the inactive thyroid hormone T4.
However, T4 is only a precursor of the active thyroid hormone T3.
The body must convert the ingested L-thyroxine (T4) into the active form T3.
Only when the conversion of T4 into T3 works can energy production in the cells function.
Then we are bursting with energy, are no longer tired and no longer have cold feet.
Thyroid activation consists of three simple steps:
1. formation of thyroid hormones (T4).
2. conversion of T4 to the active form T3 (takes place mainly in the liver)
3. transport of T3 to the cells
Most doctors only start at step 1 by prescribing synthetic hormones such as L-thyroxine or Euthyrox.
This does result in the blood values looking good again (the doctors then think they have done their job), especially the TSH and T4 values.
However, the symptoms often don't go away.
You can easily test this by taking your body temperature: simply measure it with a clinical thermometer under your tongue for one minute.
If you are between 36.6 and 36.8 degrees, everything is perfect.
If you - like me - are well below 36.6 degrees, your thyroid is not properly adjusted.
At that time - before the converter - my body temperature was just 35.8 degrees.
A weak thyroid gland that doesn't produce enough hormones leads to a cold body and poorer blood circulation.
This is why most people constantly have cold feet and poor digestion, because the intestines are not properly supplied with blood.
If, despite taking thyroid medication, you are still constantly tired, have hair loss, difficulty concentrating, cold hands or bowel problems and your metabolism is so slow that you gain weight even at the sight of a piece of cake, then in most cases this is due to one thing:
The conversion disorder.
The T4 you take cannot be converted to T3 by your body.

How to treat a conversion disorder
The solution to the problem does not necessarily lie in changing or discontinuing medication.
It is much more important to support the body in converting the thyroid hormones.
The more T4 (thyroxine) is converted to T3, the better you will feel.
Then you can even lower the dose and still feel better.
And this is exactly why the converter mentioned above was developed.
Because although the thyroid gland is often the focus of attention in hypothyroidism, we must not overlook another crucial organ:
The liver.
80% of thyroid hormones are metabolized in the liver.
In the first step, the inactive T4 is absorbed in the liver cells.
Inside the liver cells, the enzymes (deiodinases) that are there for the conversion are waiting.
These enzymes remove an iodine atom from the outer ring of the T4 molecule.
This converts T4 to T3 (the active thyroid hormone). Normally, the enzymes have an easy time removing the iodine atom from the T4 in the liver cells.
But this is where the problem begins:

The liver is overwhelmed
Most people with an underactive thyroid have a weak liver due to environmental influences (exposure to heavy metals, toxins, years of medication, diet).
Their liver is chronically overloaded.
And yes, taking L-thyroxine medication for years does not make life any easier for the liver.
Medication weakens the liver - almost everyone knows that by now.
A tired liver makes a tired person.
It feels like a vicious circle.
We take a drug in the hope that it will make us feel better and at the same time we accept the side effects that further weaken our organs such as the liver.
Crazy, isn't it, if you ask yourself?
How to treat a conversion disorder
If treatment with thyroid medication does not work for you, you are most likely dealing with a conversion disorder.
The good news is that if you eliminate this disorder, you will feel phenomenal within a few weeks.
Because your body can then finally effectively convert the thyroxine you have taken.
The thyroid hormones then finally reach your cells again.
You feel full of energy and zest for action.
Your metabolism will speed up again, making it easier for you to achieve and maintain your desired weight.
Your mood will improve and life will finally feel easy again.
And all this while you can even reduce the dose of your thyroid medication, which relieves your liver even more.
The vicious circle turns around and becomes an upward spiral:
- Liver is detoxified and relieved
- the thyroxine taken can be better metabolized
- which leads to a better
- feeling and fewer symptoms
- the dose of medication can be gradually reduced
- The liver is relieved even more
- even better conversion of the hormones
- even better feeling of life and even fewer symptoms
- etc.
So, what is the best way to deal with a conversion disorder?
It's very simple. You only have to do two things:
1. actively regenerate your liver
2. supply your body with the nutrients it needs to convert thyroid hormones.
The converter was developed precisely for these two steps.
That's why the converter works so well
The Umwandler was specially developed to treat a conversion disorder.
It is a highly effective liver complex with milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion root and choline.
There have already been numerous studies on milk thistle and artichoke in particular, which have demonstrated a healing effect on the liver:
Milk thistle
Milk thistle is a true miracle plant when it comes to liver health.
It is one of the medicinal plants with antioxidant properties.
This means that it neutralizes free radicals and reduces oxidative stress.
Milk thistle has been very well researched in relation to liver health.
The following research paper from Italy is particularly noteworthy:

The following conclusions can be drawn from the studies:
- Milk thistle renders toxins and waste products in the veins of the liver harmless
- It prevents toxins from penetrating the liver cells
- It promotes the regeneration of the liver and the formation of new healthy liver cells
- It improves the production of bile in the liver
- liver and cleanses the bile ducts in the liver
- It supports the liver in its detoxification function, especially when milk thistle is combined with artichoke
This brings us to the second plant:
The most impressive is this study, which attributes a hepatoprotective effect to artichoke leaf extract:

This means that the artichoke protects liver cells and stimulates regeneration.
With these two medicinal plants, milk thistle and artichoke, the liver is protected and strengthened in its function.
Almost as if at the touch of a button.
Then it says:
An energetic liver makes an energetic person.
More than just a liver complex
However, the converter not only contains active ingredients for the liver, but also two special active ingredients that are missing in most preparations: namely glutathione and selenium.
Glutathione is the most abundant and a very potent antioxidant in the body.
In its active form, it has the ability to neutralize free radicals.
Free radicals can attack cells and their energy centers.
Normally, glutathione intercepts these free radicals and thus protects our cells.
However, if there are too many free radicals, as is very often the case with hypothyroidism, glutathione is depleted.
In technical terms, glutathione is said to be “oxidized” (used up).
Once it has been used up, it can no longer help and the cells can be damaged more easily.
Researchers assume that this leads to tiredness and fatigue.
But that's not all: glutathione is one of the few nutrients that has a direct influence on the conversion of T4 to T3.
This was discovered in this study:

It was discovered that people with impaired conversion function almost always have low glutathione levels.
Glutathione is therefore THE most important nutrient that most people lack for optimal hormone conversion.
This means that the addition of glutathione alone can achieve initial success.
Because the T4 (even if you take it in the form of L-thyroxine) can be better converted to T3 in the liver.
But even here, the converter is not the end of the story.
The converter not only contains reduced glutathione (the active form of glutathione).
It also contains those amino acids that are the precursors of glutathione.
This is intended to stimulate the body's own production of glutathione.
Because everything that the body can produce itself is metabolized much better.
Glutathione is produced by the body from the amino acids glutamine, glycine and cysteine.
Studies have shown that the amino acid cysteine is the limiting factor for most people.
It is therefore important to ensure that you have a sufficient supply of cysteine.
This is why the converter not only contains glutathione and cysteine, but also the precursors of cysteine: namely NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) and L-methionine.
By the way: Methionine also helps against hair loss!
Selenium as an absolute must-have
The second active ingredient that is included specifically to support the conversion function is selenium.
Selenium is essential for the thyroid gland as it is involved in the production of thyroid hormones as a co-factor.
However, it is also directly involved in the conversion of hormones in the liver, and without sufficient selenium the conversion of thyroid hormones does not work, as this study showed:

The study found that in the case of selenium deficiency, the T4 levels in the blood are disproportionately higher than the T3 levels - a clear indication of a conversion disorder.
And now comes the really big problem: the soils in Germany (and also Austria) are selenium-deficient areas!
It is estimated that around 70% of the German population does not consume enough selenium, with a median of only 40 µg per day.
It is therefore essential to support your selenium levels - either through a targeted diet or by taking selenium as a dietary supplement.
The converter contains 55 µg of selenium - this should give you a total of 95 µg per day (100 µg is optimal) with an average diet.
The secret recipe behind the transformer
1. milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion root and choline for a healthy liver
2. glutathione and selenium for the conversion of thyroid hormones
3. cysteine, NAC and L-methionine for the body's own production of glutathione

How to use the converter
I continue to take my thyroid medication (L-thyroxine) - exactly as recommended by the doctor before my first meal.
I then take the converter at lunchtime after my second meal.
There are 60 capsules in a pack and you should take 2 capsules a day.
One jar therefore lasts 30 days.
I would recommend that you order a pack of three straight away so that you get a 15% discount.
Also: the whole thing is a marathon and not a sprint.
You should give the converter at least 3 months.
I personally noticed a noticeable improvement after just a few days.
I have never experienced anything like this with any other dietary supplement.
My usual midday slump has completely disappeared.
After 2 weeks I started to reduce my thyroxine dose slightly in consultation with my GP.
Despite reducing the dose, I felt better and better.
I kept doing this until I arrived at a mini dose of just 25 micrograms of L-thyroxine.
Almost all my symptoms are now gone!
It sounds unbelievable, but it makes perfect sense.
Because all Hashimoto's symptoms (tiredness, obesity, hair loss, cold hands & feet, digestive problems, water retention, difficulty concentrating) are due to a lack of thyroid hormones.
So if the problem with the conversion of T4 to T3 is solved, all the symptoms disappear into thin air.
Because the cells in the body finally receive the all-important T3 again.
As you can see, I am totally enthusiastic and can only recommend anyone with Hashimoto's to give the converter a chance.
I'll link you to the store below where you can order exactly the same product.
Just give it a try, you don't have much to lose.
If one or more of these points apply to you, the converter will most likely help you:
- You are already taking thyroid medication but feel no improvement
- Your fT4 value is ok, but your fT3 is very low
- Your rT3 is very high
- You have a fatty liver or a very weak liver. Signs of this can be Feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen, urge to urinate at night, yellowish discoloration of eyes, stool or urine, bloating and flatulence, loss of appetite.
- You have high cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels
- You have little or no thyroid tissue and are dependent on taking thyroid medication
By the way: if you order the three-pack directly (enough for 3 months), you can save almost €20.
With the five-pack you even save €45 and are then equipped for 5 months.
Our magazine has negotiated a special discount offer with the manufacturer monapure.
You can save up to 28% if you buy several jars at once.
Just take a look at it:

Click on the button now and check the availability of the converter
The company behind the converter
The converter is manufactured and distributed by a German company called monapure.
monapure is the only company in Germany that specializes exclusively in the production of nutritional supplements for people with thyroid problems.
Their approach is to combine the power of nature with the latest scientific findings.
Verified reviews
Here I have picked out some more reviews of monapure and the converter: